You may have heard it said that ‘perception’ is everything or perception is what makes our experiences. You may have heard it said that so we think, so are we. Yet, millions haven’t grasped the goldmine of living beyond what we consider ‘thoughts’ and ‘perception’ in general. The number of people who have evolved past ‘thoughts’ into ‘seeing’ and ‘expressing’ from within are growing now. The weight of the world pushed many within, but with good results. The evolutionary experiencers who have gotten beyond ‘Mass Consciousness’ manipulation are reflecting on new possibilities but few are materializing those new possibilities. The world of words is still somewhat stagnant and new words are only being used for buzz word sales techniques. This reveals how the person has not acquired their goal. You cannot sell ascension and evolution. You live it to know it. You create because of it and that creativity is aligned with internal vision.

The inner voice met with in the consciousness expansion experience has several names. Some call it soul speak. Some consider intuition as a voice. The New Divine Feminine messages are revealing core womb speaking. Science has deemed the belly the second brain. The Japanese call the inner voice ‘hara’ and do not trust those who speak from the larynx. Neuroscience is studying people who speak in tongues and curiously discovered they are barely using their speech center and discovered that the act stimulates inactive brain chemicals which are connected to increase the immune system function. The East tracks the voice of Pure Consciousness from inner receptivity to speech. There is a growing world-wide awareness of an inner reality and inner voice. Consider the world view on voice and speech and see how most are limited to thinking the mouth speaks and dive no deeper. Some say the brain speaks but dive no deeper. 

In the consciousness evolution, speaking from within means going beyond the limitations of the mind as in collected data from mass consciousness. I am one who can attest to this experience. This is not to suggest that the mind as an organ in our bodies is a bad thing. It is a very necessary organ. It is the old perspective about the mind that inflicts limitations. The idea of ‘thoughts’ detoured us from seeing how the mind only juggles data. When you take ownership of your ‘thoughts’ as collected data, clarity comes. Some may argue for the power of ‘thought’ in saying that we can contemplate, calculate, rationalize, express ourselves and more. Some will support third eye and psychic seeing as an advanced experience, calling it the rise of a sixth sense. When you realize that this is also only in accord with the external data, but the data surrounding another person, you pick up on, you can begin evolving your life experience to consciousness receptivity rather than implied meaning in words or memory juggling.

Some may say that their personal sensory experiences have nothing to do with data but it does, because external data named your experiences. It named and defined emotions and activities. I was watching a talk the other day and it held a huge promotion of ‘love’. Love is a personal feel for each of us. Long ago, the Greeks saw different types of love which they called eros, philos and agape. Today we even have more definitions of love, such as bliss. Evolving your life requires expansions, even for love as definitions to love as a consciousness stream.

The evolution often uses word plays for stimulus. In love’s case the reversal is suggested because of the world paradigm being set up in reverse of what it actually is. In the evolution you’ll learn quite a bit about the reversal, even the deception planted that if you turn it aright the naysayers rise. You’ll have to be able to see with new perception in pretty much every aspect of the world agenda. The evolution aims to take back what was lost or buried, hidden or reversed for chaos and confusion. The example here is love. If you turn love around you get a hint ‘evol’. It doesn’t seem like much until you play with the word ‘evolve’ and turn it around to discover Ev Love or what the evolution calls ‘Eve Love’ and then ‘Eve Love’ grows from there. Eve was called the ‘Life Giver’. EVE as an acronym becomes Evolutionary Visionary Empowerment. In the evolution, Love and Light even grows to Love, Light and Life. None of this can be absorbed if you will not let go of limitations. The old ways of love are still there but now expanded upon and evolved. You can evolve tens of thousands of words. They can be investigated for evolutionary stimulus. Then your data expands and grows personally evolutionary. Imagine thinking, feeling and knowing from your essence consciousness or from pure consciousness which is sending new awareness to your mind which doesn’t make the past an enemy but makes it the future in the now. 

The reason perceptions like this enter the evolution is because perception is developed in ways that many  do not realize. We think we are the developers of our perceptions, due to our choices, values and beliefs we’ve gathered from the Mass Consciousness pool. These are not your creations. They are choices about what someone else created and discovered. You choose whether you believe it or not. This is not a creative experience. To expand this, set the two words ‘choice’ and ‘create’ side by side. To choose is not creating. It is picking and choosing. Now put reaction and creation side by side. They contain the same letters but when the letters are moved, they contain two different experiences. Reacting is like choosing. You react in acceptance or rejection. Creating is why Life continues. Now look at the creators to see who created what and what their intentions for humanity was in their time? Perception has evolved and so should many old creations. In language, new meanings and words are born, but the old is still there. No war, only continuation.

There is also the ‘observer’ on today’s spiritual paths which comes from physics. In physics it is said that depending on the observer, the phenomena being examined changes. This is similar to different people looking at something and having different perspectives. In spirituality it is suggested you watch the thoughts but do not partake. Simply observe. This is helpful in the evolution in that you can see mass consciousness data and how your observation of it can shift what is seen for you. No meaning should be set in concrete. The next step is getting to know where new data comes from that is not outdated but evolutionarily from you.

Take a moment to consider the word ‘exposure’. Much of our perceptional outlook is developed by what we are exposed to and the words we are given to define the exposures. Most external man-made exposures are designed by others. In language, some of those word makers are from as long ago as the dark ages and before. We are thousands of years beyond that view but the language exposure remains the same. Those dead men are not the geniuses of the planet. New geniuses are born through the ages and even more profound is that there is a genius, as it is called in you, in everyone. Being taught that if one doesn’t have PhD they are not genius is the problem. Look at five year old prodigies. Is everyone a prodigy? No. But everyone has a personal vision that their inner genius holds waiting for a person’s recognition.

The dark age word makers were a confused superstitious group of men who created according to their time and exposures which was ‘enemy mentality’ and even cold mountainous living and barbaric waring times as well as a time led by a pope who claimed to be the only person who could speak for God. Yet, all can hear the Divine for themselves. In the evolution the question is no longer about what you believe. It is a new quest into new exposures, undefined and personally experienced. This includes hearing and inner relating with the Divine for yourself. Inner perceptional awareness is sometimes called the ‘knowing’.

Continue by asking yourself what part of the world have you created. Some of you created businesses, children, art or other projects. The only authentic creation in most of our creative ventures are our children. This point is a perceptional example that life consciousness can also be new born, which means that life has a consciousness beyond only birthing children in the form of life consciousness. What else can you birth? Consider your art. While the rendition is personal and respected look back to who created paint. It wasn’t us. Many artist use a method of mixed media these days as a move to recycle to make new art. At heart we wish to be authentic and live in a deception that copying is better suited. Don’t believe it. All new movements, like authentic children will come. Hopefully you will be a bringer of those new streams of consciousness. Now see millions creating or birthing the new streams of consciousness never before considered. 

In the evolution you can learn to create / birth new perceptions, otherwise known in the evolution as evolutionary stimulus. It is the necessary element for evolutionary movement. Without new experiences, nothing changes. Without evolved consciousness exposure we are unconsciously programmed, molded and shaped. Recognizing this is step one. Seeing data as mass consciousness is another step. No one can relate to that which they have no relative experience of. It is for this reason that when you discover a dark age lingering outdated illness you begin to birth the new healings in order to have new relative experiences.

When we bloom we shine with beauty from the inside of our core being. This small shift in perception from changing your thinking to evolving perception can touch every aspect of your life experience.

You might consider going to Consciousness Receptivity next….

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