You may have heard of transmutation as an ancient Alchemical ideal, which symbolizes the turning of lead into gold. This is a beautiful metaphor for transmuting the unknown to the known, especially when considering your unknown powers transmuting into living with your inner valuables. Outside of circumstantial, spiritual and personality alchemy, transmutation has an actual purpose of bringing the awareness of our human ability for consciously becoming A TRANSMUTER.

To transmute anything, even personal experiences or perceptions, is the action of changing a previous state of being or thinking into another form of itself. In the world of consciousness this is the evolution we are dancing with today – transmuting or evolving states of perspective as well as birthing new ones from what is hidden so to say. The beauty is that every transmutation births a new state.  Transmuting old states of consciousness requires the ability to see both old and new states when they arrive. This is what I found myself working with. I can see streams of consciousness which haven’t been made collective yet, as well as a stream’s evolution and what it can become to give these translations of transmutations to others so they may experience them for themselves. Other transmuters may perform the same or other transmutational tasks.

Innately, a transmuter’s job it is to lift lower vibrational energy on the earth into expanded vibrational energy. Take ‘belief’ as an example. You can transmute believing in something to just believing generically, believing in soul or spirit, believing in eternal movement, believing in an evolving human experience rather than doctrines or creeds. You can believe in the respect for life consciousness. Can you see how belief stayed but expanded?

Not initially knowing so, I spent many years transmuting without recognizing it as an actual and continual experience. Maybe you’ve experienced this as well. It was something I did as a norm. Friends would tell me that I was always different throughout the years. Eventually my dots connected, and I was able to look back and see the years of transmuted experiences I had lived. This was because I was an adventurer seeking my own treasures and tribe. This was also because I was adopted. I was secretly looking for a me that my adopted name detoured me from. Yes, names have pulls. 

My personal hands-on experience with transmuting externally began with making orgone devices which transmute negative energy to positive using coiled crystals in a clear resin. The resin’s pressure creates piezoelectricity. I have included a picture to the right. Currently I am no longer making them, but I spent 7 years doing this and knew it was touching me in ways I couldn’t see. Crystals have that type of transmutational energy capability. In reflection, having human transmuters on the Earth plane help by lifting and transmuting darker energy they come across every day into a positive flow stream, much like the orgone pyramid.

The prefix ‘trans’ contains a powerful energy as it implies moving beyond, to cross over or pass through. The transmuter lives this experience of passing through and getting across. In days of old, this was a myth of the ferryman helping seekers cross. In today’s technological world the story transmutes to neural crossings, changes in perspective or new views, energy and light transmutation and divine language connections and translations. We all live in a world with two energy streams currently called negative and positive without recognizing that in order to make energy we need both poles. Yet, in personal energy experiences, most take in the negative energy and do not balance it or use the stimulus as flow. Or they take in only positive and do not see how it was created in the balance or center. You need both streams to transmute the polarities into new usable energy.

Knowing that we all do different things with this energy we can also know that some get hit hard with it. Some can dissipate it. Some can transmute it. Some repel it. Some ignore it while others react when energy is felt. Look at heavy thoughts and energies as the Alchemical lead. The objective is to turn it into gold. It can be done. Use an example of entering a dark room and flicking on the light switch. Instantly the darkness disappears. The light replaces the dark. The lead becomes gold, but you needed both for it to occur. This is a type of transmutation consciousness. Everyone even contains cells which renew themselves. We can also receive directly from a transmuter or learn how to do this for ourselves. Either way, we are all recipients of the transmuter’s work even if not directly.